Cancellation Policy Brazilian Wax studio requires 24 hours notice for any cancellations, rescheduling or changes to your scheduled appointment. If less than 24 hour notice is given, a fee of 50% of the scheduled service will be charged to the card that was provided at time of booking. If no card is on file you will be sent an invoice via our booking system, this MUST be paid before you are seen again.

In addition to our cancellation policy if your appointment is considered a NO SHOW you will be charged according to the following rules:

  • 1st no show: 50% fee

  • 2nd no show: 100% fee

  • 3rd no show: We will no longer take your appointment must be seen as a walk in.

If client is running late, Brazilian Wax Studio has a grace period of 10 minutes, after 10 minutes you will be seen as a walk in. If client chooses not to be seen as a walk-in they will be considered a no-show client.

An appointment is defined as a NO SHOW if less than 3-hour notice is given to cancel/reschedule service, or after appointment time has started.

Certain medications can increase skin sensitivity.

Please note it is YOUR responsibility to know if your medications/products will cause adverse reactions to waxing.

ACCUTANE DISCLAIMER Individuals using or who have recently used Accutane ARE NOT suitable for waxing on ANY part of the body. If it has been less than 6 months from last dosage, Brazilian Wax Studio will require a doctors note before waxing service is performed. Anything more than 6 months will be up to esthetician discretion. If skin at any point of service appears to be compromised, service will end.

  • Waxing on individuals who use products that contain Retin-A, Retinol, Glycolic acid, or Alpha/beta hydroxyl acids - in some cases waxing can NOT be performed since these creams increase sensitivity and could result in skin removal and tearing on waxed areas. Waxing while using these products must be discussed with esthetician prior to service.

  • 24 hours after waxing, the usage of hot tubs, swimming pools, UV tanning beds/sun exposure are NOT advised. Sexual activity, sweating, friction, and tight clothes after wax may result in adverse reaction. WE CANNOT WAX SKIN THAT HAS BEEN EXPOSED TO UV RAYS IN THE LAST 24 HOURS OR SUNBURNT SKIN

  • Individuals allergic to adhesives may react unfavorably to wax. No products are 100% hypo-allergenic. If you do have any allergies you are concerned about, please talk with your esthetician. Waxing may cause adverse reactions such as redness and swelling.

  • Pregnant women's skin is more sensitive, and increased redness/swelling during hair removal can occur due to increase water retention and hormonal changes that affect the skin. Waxing should not be done over varicose veins.

  • In the event your esthetician asks your permission to take before and after photos, or any type of photos/videos, you as a client reserve the right to opt out.

  • However if you agree, you give Brazilian Wax Studio permission to use for social media, advertising etc.

  • For all clientele scheduled for a manzilian wax or any wax within the genital area, the services booked and provided by Brazilian Wax Studio are WAXING SERVICES ONLY. We have a zero tolerance policy for any crude or suggestive language. If at any point our estheticians feel uncomfortable the service will stop immediately. You are still responsible for payment, and after payment you will be asked to leave our studio. After, we will provide your information to the local authorities and you will also be put on a DO NOT WAX LIST.

pre wax - Important info

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Family owned and operated